Monday, June 3, 2013

The real world - if it were a video game

My world was a video game in which at any given time, 8 people I knew would be randomly assigned players.  Every time they performed some significant act, it would go into this virtual data box that hovered just over their right shoulder.

Visually the box was about 3 inches cubed, and it held 8 Mb of data.  When full, a threshold would be activated and a mystery would open, which had to be solved by the person and their immediate friends - which  might include other players - within a given time limit.

Success meant the burden of Playing would pass, at least temporarily, to some other member of the world.  Failure led, as is the case in all video games, to sudden death.  In this game, as is the case in real life, players had only a single timed attempt to get it right.

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