Monday, November 26, 2012

Apocalypse the series

I dreamt the apocalypse was coming and no one would believe me.  I kept seeing it happening like a prophetic near-future overlay, fading from present to future and back; it felt completely imminent.

I dreamt I was working at a big pharma corporation and had a secret meeting with two of my co-workers - minions like me - and three children of the company's top executives.  We talked about money and privelege.  I began disgusted with the existence of the 1% but they debated gamely, all had integrity and came across not like Paris Hiltons but as educated, smart and simply fiscally lucky and I felt somewhat better at the end at least about these particular kids having been born into such economic advantage.

I told them the change was coming fast and it might not matter so much then anyway.  We talked in theory about whether it would be better to be in the city on the streets, in buildings or out in the country when it happened.  It was universally decided that inside of an office building there are not enough places to hide from killer robots, alien invaders, zombies, or homicidal humans.

The dream changed and now I was a very wealthy young woman.  I discovered a file suggesting that my mother had been part of a cloning project, and began to doubt the identity of my father.  I searched records, recruiting the help of a few trusted friends.  I confronted my mother, determined to understand and expose the conspiracy, but she denied everything and I felt doubly betrayed.

The grounds of my house were like a tropical paradise with faux built pools, waterfalls and gardens; everything was controlled down to the perfect climate and groomed vegetation.  You could walk barefoot anywhere and never step on a weed.  You could wear a bikini day and night and never be cold. If luxury had an actual lap, I was living in it.

I snuck out and watched some of the events unfold from the vantage point of the sunroof, a transparent better-than-glass barrier that roofed the entire property.

My mother was joined by a psychiatrist and at first it seemed this woman was going to be her ally and possibly inadvertantly mine; they talked about my cloning conspiracy theories and the psychiatrist did not just dismiss them out of hand.

Then a close friend of my mother's returned from a routine doctor's visit with amnesia and a fresh surgical scar over what would be her left ovaries.  My mother started to consider that I might be right.  The psychiatrist gave my mother something to calm her nerves.  My mother fell asleep, the friend disappeared, and I realized the head shrinker was just a plant to keep my mother quiet and controlled.

The company was breeding humans to a purpose, though the end game was still unclear to me.  I walked into a shoe store to order a pair of boots.  I had decided to permanently separate myself from my old life.  I talked with the shoemaker and decided that if the breeding led to a better race of humans that were more in line with my own philosophy it might not be so bad.

I woke instantly, heart racing, 540am, sat up, and my first clear thought was that I was wasting my life, I took a wrong turn, and now it was too late.

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