Thursday, November 11, 2010

Daylight Savings Hangover

I know I know... it's been four days since we "fell back".  But I'm still suffering from jet lag.

Saturday I was in Vancouver having a truly fabulous day with my sister.  The St. Regis hotel downtown where we crash-landed that evening has recently had a facelift, so it is stylish and clean, with prices still at come-back-to-me-affordable.  The single tiny 100-year-old elevator, big enough for three only if you met on CL in casual encounters or are already good friends, doesn't look a day over 21.

A reminder about daylight savings time was posted on the elevator wall and thanks to my compulsive reading habit, I took that information in about twelve times before midnight.

Of course that didn't last till morning.  Luckily, a friend I was scheduled to meet that afternoon reminded by email not to come too early.

Monday and Tuesday, I changed clocks at work.  And still, yesterday when I got to the lab, I felt disoriented the entire day because the time was consistently one hour earlier than I expected.

This morning I woke to my alarm at 715 feeling exhausted; being woken is unpleasant and rare for me - generally I sleep till I wake at 8, and am at work on time without electronic or digital assistance.  But this morning at 8 I've got to be at the gym to meet my trainer; clearly sleeping The Natural Way (TM) would not have cut it.

Showering and dressing did nothing to make me feel less tired.  My last duty every morning before leaving the house, is to feed the cats.  And there, standing by the kitty bowls, I chanced to glimpse the microwave LCD which glowed a very clear 6:27 AM.

My bedroom is not on daylight savings time.

There's no way for me to regain that extra precious hour of sleep; I'm not a napper.  Instead, it's blogging and laundry.

And no, I don't remember my dreams particularly.  I bet they were a lot more interesting and less annoying than real life.

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