Sunday, October 31, 2010

The commercials on CNN are AWESOME

I don't actually think CNN has commercials, does it?

I don't know; I don't have cable but I'm thinking no.

Anyway, in my dream CNN goes to a commercial break and this gorgeous brunette begins talking about how hard it is to find compromise about serious issues in relationships.  Other than the eye candy, it's a very sober scene, muted background music, her expression slightly sorrowful, much like a mormon advertisement.  And then...

"Take diet soda," she says.  "For years, Sam and I had the worst fights about it.  But then Diet Dr. Pepper came along.  Now we live in harmony again."  She smiles brilliantly, holds up a can and takes a sip.  The camera pans to a large marble-topped black desk.  A tall black leather chair is facing the window and slowly it turns around, as it has done in countless movies... 

to reveal an equally gorgeous blonde, her right hand wrapped around a sweating soda can.  The camera zooms in to show her long lacquered nails - black with white dice spots - framing the Dr. Pepper logo.  Then zooms back out to show her perfect white smile and just enough cleavage stuffed into a tight fitting jean jacket.  "Were you expecting someone else?" she smiles, flirtatiously.

Diet Dr. Pepper: $0.75- $1.25 depending on the vending machine.  Lesbian ads on mainstream cable? Priceless.

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