Monday, October 14, 2013

The "ick" factor

Last night I drank six glasses of wine.  Well, I "tasted" six wines.  But the pours were generous and the wine was tasty and I probably drank a total of three actual glasses of wine.

The rather astounding thing is that I am alive this morning, since red wine usually gives me a hangover about half an hour after drinking.  Perhaps it is because I made a point of drinking six gallons of water with my wine.

Still, it seems the red wine was intent on leaving some mark on me.  Instead of light sensitivity and nausea, I had the most repulsive dream in recent memory.

About three weeks ago I had viral pinkeye.  It's a very special feeling to be an adult with an infection nobody else has had since they were 8.

Last night I dreamt that I was examining my eyes in a mirror to see if the redness had gone down.  I noticed an eyelash and when I went to remove it, the eyelash moved.  Then I saw another.  And another.  Both eyes were filled with small dark worms swimming just below the conjunctiva.

It was possibly the most horrifying moment of my waking or sleeping life.

I ran into the main room of the house where my roommates - a couple with a child, and a cousin who was crashing with us - were making breakfast.  I was talking too fast, and crying; nobody could really understand what I was saying.  The mom of the couple tried to hug me and I violently shoved her back.

"Promise me you will wash your hands immediately," I told her. "Don't touch me till I'm better."

It took some doing to convey what I had experienced and I don't think they really believed me at first.  After getting promises that everyone would treat me like a biohazard I returned to my room to google "eye worms".

And thankfully, finally, woke up into the reality where my body is not a super disgusting harbor for creatures of nightmare.

Thank you half-hearted Seattle morning sun.  Eventually you did your job.  I wish you could have moved just a little faster.

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